Friday, April 29, 2011

New Running Shoes

Yes I am a girl and I love shoes but I had no idea I would get so excited over new running shoes!!!  They are cute and really comfortable and airy and supportive oh and did I mention cute?!?!  Last week Traci told me my shoes were crap.  What my adorable Nike shoes??  So apparently you have to buy REAL running shoes at REAL running stores, hmmmm who knew. 

I gave my new shoes a whirl last night and really like them.  We will see how they hold up for the 5k.  Which by the way I am getting super excited for!  I know I won't finish anywhere near the top of the class but I am excited to participate and to cross that finish line.  Bucket list for sure! 

My son always tells me that his shoes make him super fast so I am hoping that my shoes will make me super fast too!!  I told Traci that I am a slow runner and she said it was all in my head.  So now I not only have to keep working on my running skills but now I need to go to therapy for my head.  I guess it will all work itself out eventually.  In the meantime I am loving the added energy and the thrill of fitting into smaller jeans.  That is a good day my friends....I welcome many more of those days. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

The fortune teller

I am learning so much about myself.  So far this has been such an amazing experience for me.  In nutrition class I learned that the cognitive disorder I relate to most is the "fortune teller".  In other words I am the kind of person that if I cant completely be the best at it I wont attempt it.  However what I am learning is that I may not be #1 but I can still make progress be successful in whatever I choose to do and that is OK.  So my journey continues and I keep doing the best I can do remembering that there truly isn't a finish line.  Rather this has to be a new way of life for me.  I have forever to become perfect, right?  As long as I don't give up that is the key.  Keep plodding along, setting new goals and challenging myself.


Thursday, April 21, 2011


So I just found that I am anemic, iron deficient.  I thought that I was just tired from early morning work outs and late nights just trying to make everything fit into a hectic schedule.  My doctor asked if I had been sluggish or tired and I told her yes but I didn't know that it just wasn't called, motherhood!  Some days I think I could sleep for 3 days and never wake up, wouldn't that be nice?!?!  At least now I know that I just need to get more iron in my diet and take a supplement.  Hopefully this will do the trick and I can back to having lots and lots of energy. Since I have been exercising I feel great but I am sure I would feel even better with more oxygen going to my organs. 

I exercised outside the other day and it was so fabulous!  It definitely works you differently than the treadmill.  My shins are sore and I can just tell that I worked different muscles.  I look forward to warmer weather, I prefer to exercise outside.  After seeing the weather today I am not sure if we will ever have summer. :(

PS -Deanne, I am so excited for your BBQ!! Thanks for putting it together, you are a jewel!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A good day!

Today is a good day!  It is always so amazing to be able to do something you weren't able to do in the past.  I work on the 8th floor so that is 2 flights per floor, 16 flights total.  About a month ago I could literally go to the 2nd or 3rd floor and I was tired and gasping for air, basically had to bring an oxygen tank along for the ride.  SAD.  So the past several weeks I have been working my way up with various stops for air until now I can go all 16 flights and 8 floors to my office.  I am so proud of myself and what a sense of accomplishment it is when you are able to do something you thought was not possible!!! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Love our little 100 day heart challenge group!!!

I just love our little group, we have so much fun together at our nutrition class!!! Sharing tips, laughing and learning together!!  We have an amazing group and teacher truly.  I look forward to our class every week!!  Thanks for the lessons learned and all of the laughs, they are much needed!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Only 68 more days!!!!

Yikes!  I can't believe we are already down 32 days, it doesn't seem possible.  I am feeling so good but still trying to see the results on the scale.  I was hoping to have lost more weight by now but with vacation last week (and boy did I VACATION!!!)  it is not coming off as quickly as I had hoped.  I keep telling myself that if my clothes are loose there must be changes taking place, right?  I tracked my miles and steps taken at Disneyland and I averaged 9 miles a day so at least I wasn't just laying on a beach somewhere, although that does sound nice.

Mel and I were talking about how eye-opening tracking what you eat has been for us.  It is truly amazing how things you think are a healthy snack end up being 200 calories, crazy!  I have been trying to really get my fruits and veggies in and I'll be honest it is still hard!!  I seem to always get my carbs and fats super easy of course.  What did we learn in nutrition class again? Oh, yeah carbs fuel the brain so I guess I should be pretty smart!!!

 Chad has been kicking my butt, the weights are getting heavier and the lunges are getting more and more painful.  I look forward to my sessions with Chad, don't tell him that though. 

Well team, hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 2

Week 2 and I am feeling really great.  Met with my trainer yesterday and I can't believe how much easier (ok not easy but easier...I didn't think I was going to die) the weights and workout felt.  It is amazing to me that your body finally says, ok I guess I am on board with this whole new workout thing.   I hope every week I can see improvement and that my body will become stronger and more fit each time I workout.  Now as far as eating goes that has been a bit more of a challenge.  The "servings" idea of thought is causing me a little bit of stress to be honest.  I do ok counting calories but the "servings" have me all messed up, I am sure it will get better with time, hopefully!  However I must be doing something right because I am down 3lbs this week, yippeee!!  Motivation for this week, right!?!?!